About us


Our tutors are experienced Montessori educators and trainers who are knowledgeable and well practised in all facets of Montessori education, Primary education & other teacher training programmes— the philosophy, methods, materials, and interactions needed to create an environment that leads to enriched learning opportunities for every child.

Our Mission

Our mission is deliver high-quality Montessori teacher education programmes that equip our students with a solid foundation in the Montessori philosophy, methods, materials , and interactions needed to create an environment that leads to enriched learning opportunities for every child. We achieve this goal by including comprehensive, innovative lifetime teaching resources with our programs, by engaging our students in productive ,active learning, and by effectively supporting each student’s success with their educational journey.

We Work Hard To Prepare Every Student For Their Professional Life

Our Vision

ARUNAI ACADEMY offers multi disciplinary education platform which will enable students to pursue their area and subjects of interest and excels in all walks of life. We will re-imagine and redefine learning to enact positive change in the Society.